Wolfram|Alpha (Official) Wolfram|Alpha (Official)

Version: 2.0
Last Update: 2020-08-06


380 ratings

Total Installs


User Reviews

avatar Emre Yurtseven

Sehr gut, flexible und schnell. Nützlich beim Schreiben von Latex Code und berechnen doofer Brüche :D

avatar James M. Tutor

waste of ram for what should be a simple darn link in Chrome search engines, but you wont provide one or hide it. Forget this

avatar Andrey Gómez

Muy completo, no como la competencia... Talvez es un poco complejo a la hora de anotar los datos, pero se aprende rápido. 3

avatar Victor Stone

The most recent update of the extension has been great. Taking focus of the cursor is a great change. This will always be the first extension I add on my browsers.

avatar Aiden

This was my best friend throughout school

avatar Silas Mikkelsen

It is really good. for example i needed to ´know the weather so i just asked it

avatar Kanzaki Kenzo

Great extension!

avatar Sherwin Gooch

WolframAlpha is my life. I couldn't figure out how anything fits together without the automatic physical units conversions it provides. It would be even better if there were a convenient way to chain calculations: E.g. some kind of parenthesization. (Because of the natural language interface, the same string does not evaluate to the same value if it is used as part of a longer string.) It would also be extremely useful if there were an efficient way to use WolframAlpha expressions in a speadsheet. For calculations upon which Congressional (and many business) decisions are made, we also need an auditable way to identify locations of source data and note the caveats which apply to them. (If, as is often the case with good ideas these days, there is already a way to accomplish these things, please let me know!)

avatar scarlet knott

very helpful app.. love it!!!

avatar Lava master

This is just a search box! It won\t give you any results on its own but just take you to the wolfram website

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