Readlang Web Reader Readlang Web Reader

Version: 0.7.1
Last Update: 2023-03-06


188 ratings

Total Installs


User Reviews

avatar SlaruKlo

Amazing tool to quickly look up words and learn them later!

avatar William Fanning

For me the the extension does not work on news headline sites (Google News, Yahoo homepage). I understand how it could be amazing reading the headlines each day is how I consume news so it can't really help at all.

Weird that it is a Google Chrome extension that can't work on the Google News website

avatar Eloïsa B

Can't seem to make it work. It assks to enable third-party data storage but after searching for an hour how I could do that, I gave up. Pity, as it's exactly what I was looking for...

avatar perunas86

Poor and quite useless extension. Translation is wrong very often when the word has several meanings and you can't do anything with that. You can't save other meanings to flashcard like in other similar extensions.

avatar K leo

Doesn't work on Brave. Asks to allow third-party data storage, but I find no such setting in the browser.

avatar Jan Mróz

Super przydatna.

avatar Xiaosong YU

Sadly, the Chrome Extender runs especially slow at some sites :(

avatar Elizabeth Guinot Bordini

This would have been a a wonderful tool, if it worked with Android phones. Once you download it and try to install it, it slows down, goes on for ages. So you just close the app and give up. Can be used on tablets and computers but most definitely not on phones anymore. Pity.

avatar P N

I didn't find any replacement for it :(

Excellent, mais ça c'était avant. Maintenant cet outil n'est plus maintenu, et va bientôt s'arrêter!

avatar Rey C

Impresionante, me ayuda mucho en el día a día tanto a traducir como a llevar un inventario de las palabras que no he aprendido

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