AntiBrowserSpy TrackingBlocker - SE AntiBrowserSpy TrackingBlocker - SE

Version: 1.1705
Last Update: 2022-09-19


AntiBrowserSpy TrackingBlocker - SE is a Chrome extension developed by Abelssoft GmbH. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of AntiBrowserSpy TrackingBlocker - SE is 1.1705, updated on 2022-09-19.
1,000+ users have installed this extension. 2 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Schützt dich effizient vor Werbung und Spionage-Fallen.

Möchtest Du beim Surfen ausspioniert werden? Siehst du, wir auch nicht! Daher entwickelten wir den modernen TrackingBlocker!

Benutzung: Der An-/Ausschaltknopf beim Klicken des Symbols dient zum An-/Ausschalten des TrackingBlockers der jeweils aktuellen Webseite. Dies wirkt sich also nur auf die aktuell besuchte Webseite aus und nicht auf alle Websiten.

*** Für Nutzer, die keine Geeks sind ***

Viele Blocker sind sehr überladen oder kommen mit komplizierten Listen und Einstellungen daher, die man als normaler Mensch nur schwer versteht.

Modernes Design
Kinderleichte Bedienung
Kein technisches Wissen nötig

*** Sicher ist sicher ***

Obwohl der TrackingBlocker ohne den ganzen technischen Schnickschnack daher kommt, steckt unter der Haube viel Power und schlaue Algorithmen, die dich vor der Spionage deiner Daten bewahren. Mit diesem Tool bist du bestens gewappnet!

Unterstützt alle wichtigen Anti-Tracking Standards
Aktualisiert ständig tausende Filterlisten im Hintergrund
Geringer Speicherverbrauch deines PCs

*** Ergänzt AntiBrowserSpy ***

Der TrackingBlocker ergänzt perfekt das Sicherheitsprogramm AntiBrowserSpy für Windows-PCs. Das Programm schaltet die Spionagefunktionen in deinem Browser aus und löscht Surfspuren zuverlässig.

Schalte Spionagefunktionen des Browsers ab
Löscht gezielt Surf-Spuren
Die Browser-Tarnkappe ändert den UserAgent-Text regelmäßig. So wird Dein 'Fingerabdruck' immer wieder geändert und lässt sich nicht mehr einer Person zuordnen.



2 ratings

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Current Version





Abelssoft GmbH





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avatar Ne0Gen3tic

Well, I looked at the code of this extension and it is 90% similar to "uBlock" Origin. Such "recycling" of apps or Chrome extension are a real shame! And this is not just an exception with this company, but the order of the day! For such a thing then also to demand money, I find not at all in order! If you are already paid for programming, then please also program and "Recycelt" not! That is simply not in order! That's why I don't buy software from many companies anymore. Because simply nothing innovative in self-development (a few "foreign" libraries are quite ok, completely without it simply does not go, but this here goes too far!) is programmed. Instead, it is copied "until the doctor comes" and then simply another design is "draufgeklatscht", new name, new label and then still as "new own innovative product" is marketed! Shame on you!

avatar Yaris Boss

Отлично справляется ,с рекламными трекерами. , поставил,в помощ,к Ublok origin . так на последнем не достает фильтров.

avatar Dr.Ne0Gen3tic (Forensic Buro of Quantum)

Well, I looked at the code of this extension and it is 90% similar to "uBlock" Origin. Such "recycling" of apps or Chrome extension are a real shame! And this is not just an exception with this company, but the order of the day! For such a thing then also to demand money, I find not at all in order! If you are already paid for programming, then please also program and "Recycelt" not! That is simply not in order! That's why I don't buy software from many companies anymore. Because simply nothing innovative in self-development (a few "foreign" libraries are quite ok, completely without it simply does not go, but this here goes too far!) is programmed. Instead, it is copied "until the doctor comes" and then simply another design is "draufgeklatscht", new name, new label and then still as "new own innovative product" is marketed! Shame on you!

avatar Yaris Boss

Отлично справляется ,с рекламными трекерами. , поставил,в помощ,к Ublok origin . так на последнем не достает фильтров.

avatar Dr.Ne0Gen3tic (Forensic Buro of Quantum)

Well, I looked at the code of this extension and it is 90% similar to "uBlock" Origin. Such "recycling" of apps or Chrome extension are a real shame! And this is not just an exception with this company, but the order of the day! For such a thing then also to demand money, I find not at all in order! If you are already paid for programming, then please also program and "Recycelt" not! That is simply not in order! That's why I don't buy software from many companies anymore. Because simply nothing innovative in self-development (a few "foreign" libraries are quite ok, completely without it simply does not go, but this here goes too far!) is programmed. Instead, it is copied "until the doctor comes" and then simply another design is "draufgeklatscht", new name, new label and then still as "new own innovative product" is marketed! Shame on you!