YouTube Livestreams Theater Mode YouTube Livestreams Theater Mode

Version: 3.9.5
Last Update: 2022-12-26

User Reviews

avatar Caleb Lim

Good addition for YouTube livestreams must have if you value screen space and want to look at chat

avatar dijerun

Thank you so much for this extension! It's perfect and exactly what I was searching for so long.

avatar j h

make the names of the people in chat random colours just like twitch and no dark colours because its hard to see, only bright colours just like twitch please right now

avatar Greg Czaplak

Does almost as advertised but the top portion of the stream is cut off when you switch it on

avatar Dreezker

amazing addon

avatar sterowent sterowent

as of this date, it's a fantastic extension that solves a number of the flaws in youtube streaming, even adding features rarely seen if at all such as with chat over stream, resizing of the chat box, and of course the flipping of chat to the left. really, recommended...until it inevitably breaks.
if that happens, please know that - should the author not keep up with maintenance - anyone looking for work worth doing: look no further.

avatar Nate The Scot

WHY IS THIS NOT A DEFAULT PART OF YOUTUBE LIVE. WHY?? Now i can watch the doc the way god intended.

avatar Ultra Skyler

is it possible to add an option to auto trigger theatre mode on livestream pages? other than that this extension is sick

avatar Aidan Dewar

makes watching the super top way better

avatar Brandon Loehlein

Perfect. Must have and far better than the previous one I was using. Great options and perfectly designed.

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