YouTube Liberation: Anti-Distraction Skin YouTube Liberation: Anti-Distraction Skin

Version: 0.1.6
Last Update: 2021-02-23

User Reviews

avatar haider

an essential for me

avatar Marcuz Pinkman

Beautiful, perfect.
You don't miss any of the tools you need for common youtube usage, but it cleans all of the trash that youtube puts on your screen to make you a clicker.
The extension creates a totally new experience from using youtube that just feels like the way youtube always should have been.

avatar Hudson Hopper

So good! one of my favorite chrome plug-ins. Goodbye youtube black holes

avatar Esh

It felt like a prison the first day, but boy this is helpful!

avatar Abhishek Tiwari

This is an amazing application. Has really helped me avoid watching endless cycle of videos.

avatar Luka Labudović

The best one so far.

avatar i need coffee

This is really helpful, one thing that's kind of annoying is that you can't open the transcript for a video which I usually use to take notes, but other than that it completely cuts down YouTube time.

avatar joyful soul

Almost perfect. Can u please fix sidebar appearance (now it cant be hidden, and overlaps the view)?

avatar Paul Dunahoo

Excellent. YouTube is so much better now! I do have an issue where the video time control doesn't work properly unless the video player is put into theater mode, but other than that it is perfect.

avatar Connor Howard

With the well designed anti-distraction skin, this extension offers, I have been able to bring my youtube viewing time down from a matter of hours each day to what is typically 10-20 minutes.

Having curbed my youtube addiction, I feel better mentally and physically (yes, lying down in bed all day watching videos isn't good for your back). Also, because I am watching less, I value the content I happen to watch more.

Thank-you developer of this extension. After a month and a half of using your extention, I am much more productive and am enjoying a higher quality of life.

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