XKCD Alt Text XKCD Alt Text

Version: 2.8.1
Last Update: 2014-01-26


XKCD Alt Text is a Chrome extension developed by James Kwan. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of XKCD Alt Text is 2.8.1, updated on 2014-01-26.
741 users have installed this extension. 16 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

The XKCD Alt Text extension makes it slightly easier to read the XKCD web comic. It's primary function is to add a description…

The XKCD Alt Text extension makes it slightly easier to read the XKCD web comic. It's primary function is to add a description beneath the comic, so that you don't have to try and read the tiny hover text before it fades away. It can also move the header below the comic, to increase visibility. This feature can easily be disabled. Update 2.8.1: Works over HTTPS


16 ratings

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James Kwan





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avatar Chris Harvey

alt != title

Great extension and works perfectly as expected.

However, the feature moving the site header below the comic—although it can be overridden—should not be the default, as it isn't the main function of the extension. Headers are important for accessibility & navigation and this feature rearranges the actual source markup, which affects screen readers. This feature should be opt-in, not opt-out. (And should use CSS only [e.g. Flexbox] to reorder the view.)

Also, one minor distinction: This app does not reveal "alt text"; it reveals "title text", which XKCD uses as supplementary text for the comic. The "alt text" of the image is still unexposed.

avatar Isak Hvarfner

Uses a background page (which consumes RAM even when not used) and doesn't sync options.

avatar A Google User

This is a great idea, but it feels like a hack instead of an extension. It moves the main part of xkcd to the top, and the title text looks really out of place.

I'll publish my own extension that does this right if I can ever find the time.

avatar Maurilio Mesquita

The only thing for the extension to be perfect was to use a smaller fontsize to the description, even the same the rest of xkcd uses.

avatar MizardX

The design of the site has updated as of April 1st 2012.
Just change "$('#middleContent img')" to "$('#comic *[title]')" and change "$(this).after($('div /')" to "$('#comic').after($('div /')" in the xkcdalt.js file.