WhatRuns WhatRuns

Developer Tools
Version: 1.7.10
Last Update: 2023-03-15


377 ratings

Total Installs


User Reviews

avatar Itamar C

Does not work if you have a system on system.mycompany.com and another one different in system.mycompany.com/anothersystem. Looks like it always look the system at the root of the domain. Also, does not work for intranet address like ''.

avatar Herman Karssen

I checked one website and saw Joomla as CMS, but in fact it's WordPress since 2019... BuiltWith is much better. I've removed the extension.

avatar Roman Mohar

I have checked some websites with it. Since I know what runs them (I made some of them), it doesn't show the right results. I hope in the future that will be better.

avatar Roberto Falconi

Informazioni sbagliate. Dice che usa jQuery quando è stato Angular, dice che è stato usato Bootstrap quando è stato usato AEM Sites, non ci siamo proprio, bocciato.

avatar AH Shibas

feature image is wow type but not working. don't install it

avatar LoganDark

Creates errors in the console on every single webpage I visit, + additional web requests to load its "wrs_env.js".

Error handling response: TypeError: self.processResponse is not a function
at chrome-extension://cmkdbmfndkfgebldhnkbfhlneefdaaip/js/notification.js:154:10

avatar Emiel Boyat

It was an awesome tool, but it seems down for quite some time now: "Please check back later. Server update".

avatar Станислав Буценко

Расширение не работает, отображает сообщение "server upgrade"..

avatar Sam Purkis

Tried it on a website that I knew was run by Wix, and it was always on a spinner loading symbol.

avatar Jure Aleksić

Constantly under server maintence..

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