WayBack Chrome WayBack Chrome

Search Tools
Version: 1.9
Last Update: 2015-01-09

User Reviews

avatar Tom Haczewski

The new update is perfect. You can easily get to the Wayback Machine's entry for any URL you're on so quickly. Brilliant!

avatar Rami Markus Maunula

Crops to top level of site, making it sort of useless to me.

avatar Yuri Malyshev

Wow!!! Works like a time machine in a way. You can go back and see what it looked like. Thank you!

avatar Erika Cristina Honda

Works like a charm!Good job and thank you!

avatar Dylan

It doesn't work for the mass majority of webpages. It's only effective on finding domains. It doesn't even work any differently versus the Wayback website it's based off on. It's just an extention that automatically checks screenshots of the archive. It doesn't actually view the website's old version history, which is what you would hope from an archive website. If you're looking for specifics on archive webpages, this is not the plugin for you.

avatar I S

Ten starts! Cleanest, fastest extension I ever saw here! The only host it talks to is 'http://web.archive.org/web/*/'+url;


avatar Jonathan Howell

Works perfectly and exactly the way I'd want it to. Preferred to the other Wayback extensions.

avatar Stephen Wicklund

Good, but this one is better: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/go-back-in-time/hgdahcpipmgehmaaankiglanlgljlakj

(it lets you access from Google cache, bing cache, etc. in addition to wayback)

avatar Andrius Žilėnas

it is expected to launch web.archive.org if page not exist, but it doesn't

avatar Job van der Zwan

This is great, but nowadays many links to broken pages redirect to a different page before I can click this button (example: jsperf). If I could right click + "open on Archive.org" on any link the add-on would be perfect! :)

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