Up Assistant Up Assistant

Version: 1.6.1
Last Update: 2023-03-02

User Reviews

avatar Allen Awesomeness

Never knew this extension existed. Have always been using AliTools but unfortunately it got removed from thee play store. This one is very similar in terms of both design and functionality. It currently says "maintenance is in progress" but I assume it's very nice when it works.

avatar Ecom Expert Pro

A extensão é ótima. Mas falta o idioma do Brasil. Se possível coloquem isso, ok

avatar Matteo Marcarino

The overlay with seller ratings on Aliexpress had disappeared. Problem has been fixed quickly, recommended again!

avatar С Г

Перестал работать

avatar Алена Накрина

Отличное расширение, рекомендую, очень полезно во время распродаж)

avatar Димон Украинец

Из за этой хрени все сайты открываются с большой задержкой, долго не мог понять в чём причина пока не удалил это расширение, теперь всё отлично.

avatar BiG Suggar

The app is by far the best in the whole chrome store. Many benefits thanks to you.

I have an idea which might appeal to many others.

It would be a really great thing if you had the possibility to get only merchants/offers displayed above a certain percentage that you can set yourself.

as an example: show only dealers from 70%.

That would be incredibly great! that would make the app perfect!

thanks a lot. Keep up the great work.

avatar Авраменко Алексей

Норм расширение, работает ок, стабильно, пока проблем не было. Авторы быстро косяки исправляют.

avatar Anita Skifsky

Great extension. Everything works as expected. The data is mostly accurate. Thanks for the useful service.

avatar Valik Artemovskiy

Shows seller ratings in the list of products. As for me it's very convenient.

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