SuperSub SuperSub

Version: 0.51
Last Update: 2022-09-06

User Reviews

avatar Zac Vance

Most of the people giveing 5 star reviews seem to be bots but as stated in the dev's reply to "Todd Howard says buy skyrim" (interesting name btw), they appear to be jokes played by people who know him irl. I only downloaded this to get a single character for a science test but it is staying with me unless it somehow betrays me.

avatar Gabriel S.

A solução para quem precisa escrever potências de forma mais rápida.

avatar Rem_y_z

Dr. Park once again surpasses the limits of human ingenuity to deliver this absolute unit of a chrome extension. This extension inspired me to get twenty PhD's and end racism. 10/10 would do again.

avatar John A

One man against the world. He has uncovered the very fabric of google itself, reaching depths never thought possible by even Larry Page himself. This extension has created a new form of life, one which knows no boundaries and assists any who call upon it. I have no words to describe the beauty of the intricacies within this program, and have absolutely no regrets about downloading this extension. A revolution in the world of google forums. 11/10.

avatar Richard Wang

Beep Boop, I am a bot.
Rating: Amazing
5 Stars

avatar Todd Howard says buy skyrim

doesnt even work and most of these reveiws are bots you can tell because they are all saying it changed their life and made them succsesful

avatar Taseen Hossain

first of all i cant even se how it helps. it just gives a list of charecters

avatar seanblit

Truly a masterpiece from the doctor. The mastermind Hyoun Park raises the bar so exquisitely and delicately as if he were a ballerina on ice. His work revolutionized our previous understanding of quantum mechanics and innovated Einstein's theory of relativity. His capabilities are endless at this rate. Exponential greatness. Outstanding work Dr Park!

avatar Ronel Buzer

Absolutely Incredible

avatar Charlie Kamra

I may not know it now, but I am at least 83% certain this extension is the reason I am going to succeed in life. Don't hesitate, download now!

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