SuperAgree SuperAgree

Social & Communication
Version: 1.2
Last Update: 2021-09-30

User Reviews

avatar nick cabrera

Very useful tool for LinkedIn, really like the dark mode, extending feed to the edges of screen/getting rid of sidebars and of course hiding polls! Nice job.

avatar Fernando Willigan

Must have if you're on LinkedIn

avatar Lorna Watson

A super useful tool, didn't realise until using this how bloated my feed was with polls and videos.

avatar Tristan Welch

Love this, the usefulness I've found of LinkedIn has been reducing over time and Polls are a surprisingly big part of that. My feed is instantly 110% more engaging with this installed.

avatar nick cabrera

Very useful tool for LinkedIn, really like the dark mode, extending feed to the edges of screen/getting rid of sidebars and of course hiding polls! Nice job.

avatar Fernando O. Willigan

Must have if you're on LinkedIn

avatar Lorna Watson

A super useful tool, didn't realise until using this how bloated my feed was with polls and videos.

avatar Tristan Welch

Love this, the usefulness I've found of LinkedIn has been reducing over time and Polls are a surprisingly big part of that. My feed is instantly 110% more engaging with this installed.

avatar nick cabrera

Very useful tool for LinkedIn, really like the dark mode, extending feed to the edges of screen/getting rid of sidebars and of course hiding polls! Nice job.

avatar Fernando O. Willigan

Must have if you're on LinkedIn

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