Strava Bulk Edit Strava Bulk Edit

Version: 1.3.2
Last Update: 2022-04-12

User Reviews

avatar Addison H

Worked great to update the privacy on my 200+ activities! Would have otherwise taken me hours. Thank you for this plugin!

avatar Roberto H.

I would like to be able to select within a certain date instead of the first 100 activities please

avatar Przemo D

Works very well. Changed gear/bike for past activities.

avatar Peter Sondag

Great add-on! Saved me a lot of time manually editing all activities.

avatar paul coleman

Excellent addon for chrome, wish I'd found it earlier!

avatar Wojtek Kukla (wmq)

Works as intended. I can add a bike to a lot of rides at once. Though it would be great to able to filter only activities with no bike added - currently I can filter by "all bikes" or by a specific bike, but not by no bike added to the activity. This way I would be able to update new activities and not change the old ones with bike already added. Alternatively, time filters would be great.

avatar Steve Spangler

Works as stated. Thanks for creating - saved me from editing ~100 activities manually.

avatar Sam Selfridge

Glad I decided to search for someone else who wrote this instead of doing it myself! Cheers!

avatar Jonathan Helinek

Works exactly as it says it does. Excellent! This is a big frustration, as I don't want to inundate people's Strava feeds with my 2 mile daily commute.

avatar Hugo Lennon

Works flawlessly. Well done. Strava might as well pay you to implement this in their vanilla software.

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