ChatGPT with your Content ChatGPT with your Content

Version: 1.1.1
Last Update: 2023-04-20

User Reviews

avatar Parker Crist

I'm Parker, a backend/ML engineer at Storytell that contributed to this Chrome Extension! I'm very proud of what we've built, and can't wait for all of the features to come. It is already such a powerful tool with countless potential uses; I'm thrilled to continuously discover the many ways that our users get value from Storytell! We are very receptive to feedback; please use the link in the extension to submit bugs and/or feature requests!

avatar DROdio

I'm DROdio, the CEO of Storytell. Our entire Crew has worked hard to bring you a Chrome extension that can be an "always on" companion to you, helping you distill signal from noise in your work, your play, and your life. Let us know what you think by leaving your own review; we'll be reading each one!

avatar Jhon Lexter Piga

I’m Lex — Operations Support for Storytell. I am amazed how you can interact with your content. Effortlessly transform your content by simply chatting with! We would love to hear how you interact with your content through!

avatar Margaux Dolores

I'm Margaux -- Operations Lead for Storytell. I am really excited and amazed by how Storytell transforms contents for its users. Personally, this has been a really useful tool for me not just at work but also in my Master Degree classes! It saves me time scrolling through countless pages + watching hours of videos so I can focus more on the content I need and the work that I need to deliver. Let us know what you think -- we love to hear them! Thanks!

avatar Parker Crist

I'm Parker, a backend/ML engineer at Storytell that contributed to this Chrome Extension! I'm very proud of what we've built, and can't wait for all of the features to come. It is already such a powerful tool with countless potential uses; I'm thrilled to continuously discover the many ways that our users get value from Storytell! We are very receptive to feedback; please use the link in the extension to submit bugs and/or feature requests!

avatar DROdio

I'm DROdio, the CEO of Storytell. Our entire Crew has worked hard to bring you a Chrome extension that can be an "always on" companion to you, helping you distill signal from noise in your work, your play, and your life. Let us know what you think by leaving your own review; we'll be reading each one!

avatar Jhon Lexter Piga

I’m Lex — Operations Support for Storytell. I am amazed how you can interact with your content. Effortlessly transform your content by simply chatting with! We would love to hear how you interact with your content through!

avatar Margaux Dolores

I'm Margaux -- Operations Lead for Storytell. I am really excited and amazed by how Storytell transforms contents for its users. Personally, this has been a really useful tool for me not just at work but also in my Master Degree classes! It saves me time scrolling through countless pages + watching hours of videos so I can focus more on the content I need and the work that I need to deliver. Let us know what you think -- we love to hear them! Thanks!

avatar Parker Crist

I'm Parker, a backend/ML engineer at Storytell that contributed to this Chrome Extension! I'm very proud of what we've built, and can't wait for all of the features to come. It is already such a powerful tool with countless potential uses; I'm thrilled to continuously discover the many ways that our users get value from Storytell! We are very receptive to feedback; please use the link in the extension to submit bugs and/or feature requests!

avatar DROdio

I'm DROdio, the CEO of Storytell. Our entire Crew has worked hard to bring you a Chrome extension that can be an "always on" companion to you, helping you distill signal from noise in your work, your play, and your life. Let us know what you think by leaving your own review; we'll be reading each one!

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