Stay on Task Stay on Task

Version: 3.7
Last Update: 2020-10-20

User Reviews

avatar Andrew Painter

Really helpful!

avatar Alli Jernow

This is a great extension. It helps me stay on top of work throughout the day and keeps me focused.

avatar Prisha Dargan

It was the perfect extension to help me get back on track. I've been looking for an extension that could do this for weeks and this is the only one that did exactly what I wanted.

The only problem I had is once I check off my tasks it still doesn't let me go to my blocked sites unless I delete that site from my blocked list. It gets quite tedious to put a website on their and take it off every time I need to access it even when all of my tasks are done.

avatar twilight

This extension is so insanely awesome sauce.

avatar Arlo Heitler

Hands down the best extension to easily block sites you don't want to be distracted by!

avatar Atri Ray

Excellently simple UI, and it is actually pretty useful

avatar Douglas Pineda

This app is great for organization, it has helped me a lot to manage my time better!

avatar Hunter Mitchell

Fantastic extension! Just downloaded and it's already helping out.

avatar Cayla Ossen-Gutnick

I'm actually going to use this

avatar Charlotte Mainiero

10/10 would recommend!

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