Search Enhancer for Google™ Search Enhancer for Google™

Version: 3.8.2
Last Update: 2022-12-12

User Reviews

avatar Максим Максим

Давно искал такое респект разработчику

avatar Alexandra Del

Иконки грузятся за 2 секунды. На апрель 2022 у меня всё работает.
Огромное спасибо за расширение! Очень удобное. Удачи Вам!

avatar Вадим Ткаченко

То, чего действительно не хватает оригинальному поисковику

avatar Igor Kozarchuk

Update. Issue with favicons is now fixed. Looks like it works good. Thanks!
One suggestion: it would look better if you moved favicons to the left (outside the link) giving it a negative margin or something, because currently after the search results are loaded links get shifted to the right because of favicons insertion.

avatar Степан Семчёнок

Фавиконки для поиска нормик, но долго грузятся, капец. Чините давайте.
upd!!! вызывает зависание gpu процесса и всех вкладок при открытой странице списка расширений или деталей конкретного расширения

avatar Rainbow Warrior Princess

Please add for showing favicons

avatar r w

not working. no server location, favicon, etc.

avatar Denis Shkerin

Вот это то плюс!!!

avatar Антон Иванов

в Хром 80 что то фигово отображается боковая панель для быстрого перехода по страницам

avatar BIOS-Pherecydes

If you turn off Infinite Scrolling, the page jumps the first time you attempt to click a link. Every time.

If you turn on Infinite Scrolling, but turn off the sidebar pagination, it creates a floating overlay of the standard pagination buttons that is locked in the middle of the screen when you scroll.

If you turn on unload pages that are offscreen, you have to manually reload the pages because they don't reload when you scroll back up.

Pretty much every aspect of the Infinite Scrolling options is broken in some way.

Additionally, the sidebar pagination buttons take up space that is used by other extensions, so if you could give us the option to choose where that's pinned on the page, that'd be great.

Other than those issues, this is a really great extension. Literally the only one in the entire web store I've found — after A LOT of trial and error — that gives you a 'search by image' button that isn't broken by google's newest image display 'improvements.'

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