Refactorial Refactorial

Version: 2.0
Last Update: 2022-12-07

User Reviews

avatar Nicolas Fanticelli


avatar Victor Vegas Serrano

A true hero.

avatar Juanjo Requena

My life couldn't go worse. After 6 years of relationship, my wife left me and I had a huge debt to pay because I tried to flex buying that luxurious house in Albacete, how silly of me.
After a long time living through this hell, one day, a good friend of mine shared this extension with me, the Refactorial extension.
With a few clicks here and there I could quickly fill all the clock-in forms I used to spend hours and hours filling. It was such an innovative idea and I could use it for free!
Now, after some time using this extension, my life has completely changed. Still, I have a huge debt to pay and my heart its filled with pain and frustration from my past relationship. But behind all of this, now I only have to fill my Factorial sheets once a month, which, brings back a smile to my face, something I thought I would never see again.

avatar Kanstantsin Hontarau

God bless the author!

avatar Zzhingara Zz

The extension is not working anymore?

avatar Juan Gonzalez


avatar Jesus Garcia

This extension is the best I've tried, it has saved toons of time for me. I cannot live without this tool now!!

avatar Jorge Franco

super handy!

avatar Daniel Morales

My whole life has changed thanks to this! I'm a totally new woman!

avatar Edgar Cumbreras

This is so awesome!

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