Pontem Aptos Wallet Pontem Aptos Wallet

Version: 2.4.0
Last Update: 2023-04-11


313 ratings

Total Installs


User Reviews

avatar mazy bthemes

Pontem wallet is smart, fast and is extremely user-friendly, the UI is superb for any kind of eyes, transaction is quick.

avatar Bambang Rinoto

for something new it is a bit difficult, especially to import adrress contract. for easy transactions and just a password. for the next please tighten for safety.Thank you

avatar Nuril Always

very simple to use and looks very attractive.

avatar ocean rocks

Pontem wallet is of good experience. I really enjoyed the testnet because of it's swiftness in token swap. Connection to website is very fast and easy. Pontem interface is of a pleasant colour. When I compare pontem wallet and other wallet on Aptos ecosystem, I will boldly say that it's of better functionality.
I must appreciate the developers for their effort to serve the general public with such an experience (using pontem wallet). I really hope and believe the team do more.
I love pontem wallet.
I love Aptos ecosystem
God bless the team.

avatar Саид

A very convenient browser extension. The interface is very friendly.

avatar YURARI


・NFTの表示機能がほしい。(現時点だとMartian Walletのほうが使いやすいので、自分だったらそちらを使う。)
・ScamトークンやNFTがある場合は、Scam警告表示をしてほしい。(Phantom WalletのUIが参考になります)

・Metamaskをベースに機能を引き継いでいるのであれば、「Set Approval For All」を求めらている場合、ユーザーにわかりやすく注意喚起してほしい。

avatar nguyen van quang

After experiencing the Pontem Wallet app
I have a few reviews as follows.
1. Has a simple and easy to use interface
2. Cheap Gas Fee
3. Security (Asked password each login time)
4. Quick connection to https://liquidswap.com/
4. When performing asset transfer between 2 wallet accounts, there is a slight delay. I don't know if my network connection is bad or not?

Anyway this is a great app, I think in the future Pontem Wallet will be an app for all users

avatar Мефодий Скворцов

Good afternoon! Wallet registration and currency exchange were done without any problems! The interface is convenient and clear!

avatar nwakwuruibe bright

Pontem is an interesting modern wallet with:
an intuitive interface design on browser extension and (potential) app
access to your Aptos Web3 apps
greater security, speed, and scalability than other hot wallets
customizable cheap transaction fees

However it can't be linked to NFT marketplaces and has no swap feature
It still remains a favorite and gets five stars for its current state and prospective state after launch

avatar Agbo Victor

Pontem wallet is the best wallet on Aptos ecosystem, From my testnet experience,I have this few things to say;
Pontem is easy to navigate
Pontem have the best interface
Pontem is bug free
Pontem swap is so swift
Pontem is user friendly
I love the pentom wallet,
Pontem wallet will be of great experience and the best under Aptos ecosystem.
Much and sincere thanks to the developers, I hope and believe you guys will do more.

I love pentom wallet...
God bless the developers

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