OpenDyslexic Font for Chrome OpenDyslexic Font for Chrome

Version: 2.1
Last Update: 2022-09-13

User Reviews

avatar Alyssa Han

Yay! finally someone cares about dyslexic people. There are some things taht are mising tho... some websites dont have the font but other than that this app is awsome and helps me

avatar Catherine Sauerland

When I am reading it helps me to read at a normal pace and not mix up lines and letters the one major issue I have is that it gets rid of the letter F and replaces it with a box.

avatar Lubna Shaltoot

Hi ! Would it be possible if you can also have the extension increase the space between the sentences and words? thank you 3

avatar Jayson Stone

Great. Makes my job much easier as a developer doing research. I look a little funny copy and pasting but it helps.

avatar Brett Schneider

ITS GREAT! If I could just control the font size, it'd be perfect.

avatar Clarissa Johnson

I suffered a traumatic brain injury a few years ago and it has made reading incredibly hard. Recently I discovered the OpenDyslexic font and was super hyped to find something so useful for people like me, and I was even more excited to find this extension that allows me to change all the websites I visit to this font. Doing school online was been rough, but having this extension made it a billion times easier to do research

avatar Jackson H

This is incredibly helpful for me to read much quicker. Thank you so much creators for making this available for people like me.

avatar Chris M

I like it

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