OneClick Cleaner for Chrome OneClick Cleaner for Chrome

Last Update: 2022-11-18


1431 ratings

Total Installs


User Reviews

avatar Mark Barrow

I find it easy to use and it does what it says it will do. What more can you ask for? La, La, La...........

avatar Mello Marley

To the developer(s), your app is a complete headache now. I was an avid user. Why fix something that's not broken? I suggest everyone find a new cleaner. There are plenty of them. It used to be a One-Click Cleaner, and now it is not.

As for the person (Taylor Durden) who has replied to almost everyone "complaining" about having to go and disable their ad-blocker, please go away. We don't want to have to disable the adblocker and then go and have to re-enable it every time we clean our computer/laptop. We understand that this has to be if we want to use the application. Yes, that's a way around it, but we used to be able to hit the cleaner button and not have to hassle with disabling anything or worry about anything else. People have the right to complain and voice their opinions about something that once worked, the way they liked.

avatar Filipe

Not going to disable adblock.

Garbage lol

avatar Hayden Maygar

This extension is ridiculously hard to get running. I'm pretty astute at getting around a computer but this extension would never run. It kept telling me to please disable adblocker. I removed all of them and even allowed them in google settings. Still wouldn't run. Shouldn't be this hard to run an extension, especially on a chromebook. I think most of these postive ratings are bogus.

avatar ねろ


2021年3月   エッジで使い始めました。履歴が削除されてました、
   8月17日 エッジでもなぜか使えない…です。

avatar Juan Campos

excelente extencion los felicito.

avatar Uinsin O'Riabhaigh

It's working for me?

avatar محمد الطالب

سهل وجيد

avatar Denis Miguel Maldoando Layme

Este Extension me ha encantado muy bien para acelerar el navegador google chrome

avatar Luis Pavón

¿Cada cuanto usais el One Cleaner? ¿Y con qué configuración?

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