Obsidian Clipper Obsidian Clipper

Version: 0.5.0
Last Update: 2022-08-17

User Reviews

avatar N3rve Artificial

Thanks! It really helps a lot!
But I wonder if there's a limit of content size or something because the clipping fails when I try to clip long texts sometimes. I also see the notification "url too long" now and then. Is there any solution for this?
Thank you again for your amazing work!

avatar Christophe PELÉ

It works well and is customizable ? Great extension!

avatar Uwe Druckenmueller

great extension. Didn't work for me at first due to couple of issue:
- I guess I didn't confirm the "save vault and configuration"
- I then confirmed with the default "obsidian" vault but my vault is named "Obsidian".
- images didn't get clipped until I checked the "Clip html as markdown" option

avatar Scott Bean

This seems to work well, and I like the customization options.

I do have a problem with images. It's not clear to me how they are supposed to work. When my selection includes an image, the image does not appear in Obsidian. There is just a placeholder for the image. How can I get it to activate the image link or ideally download & show the image?

avatar Aaron Waldman

This is güd.

avatar matt唐

之前用的毛线剪藏,可惜下架了。这款插件虽然简单了点,但很凑巧,居然实实在在解决了我的需求。搭配ahk脚本和quick add插件组合使用,甚至比之前的毛线剪藏更实用,谢谢作者!

avatar Trey Moore

I am looking into migrating from OneNote to Obsidian, and needed something similar to the OneNote webclipper. This extension works perfectly for copy/pasting web text into Obsidian along with the URL of the source text.

avatar nnct lav

1. Doesn't work with YouTube comments
2. When using the same note for clippings the formatting gets all messed up
3. Wish there was "Clip selection to Obsidian" in the context menu when selecting the text instead of having to click the extension icon

avatar Gabriele Alpax

Works perfectly on Mac OS Ventura and opera browser!

avatar Amin Berrada

works in Ubuntu 22.04

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