Meetings Page Auto Closer for Zoom Meetings Page Auto Closer for Zoom

Version: 0.3.1
Last Update: 2022-03-06

User Reviews

avatar Scott Vitale

This extension handles the #1 most annoying thing about Zoom - the browser tab litter. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I couldn't live without this extension.

avatar Alexandria Pagram

Love love love this extension! I am in and out of Zoom calls all day for work. I've been using the original extension for months (same codebase on github) and noticed IMMEDIATELY when Google took it down after their Terms & Conditions update because my irritation with the Zoom tabs skyrocketed haha. I am so relieved to redownload it. Ya'll are doing God's work ? thank you! Note for those that haven't used the original: it's exactly the same but the original had the word 'Zoom' in the name of the extension so Google threw a fit and took it down ?

avatar Mark Richards

This thing makes life 10x better.

avatar Chris Gow

This extension is such a productivity saver! I am in multiple Zoom meetings a day and with this extension I can just forget about the tabs that Zoom spams.

avatar Billy Zajac

Been using this for a while (when it had a different name, but was the same github repo). Love it!

avatar Jade Lannen

Absolutely necessary extension, works 100% as described and expected. Been using it for several months now (this is an updated version, re-published after the first was mistakenly taken down by the Chrome store), and I've gotten everyone on my team to use it as well.

avatar Geoff Harrison

Works as advertised. Removes annoying Zoom tab spam.

avatar Kris Harper

Super helpful.

avatar Austin King

Gets the job done quickly and quietly. Love it. I'd love it even more if it could close the "login with SSO" tabs too!

avatar Ricardo Zerpa

I'm missing a closing within 1 sec or automatically instead of 5 seconds.

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