Live editor for CSS, Less & Sass - Magic CSS Live editor for CSS, Less & Sass - Magic CSS

Developer Tools
Version: 8.21.3
Last Update: 2023-04-18

User Reviews

avatar nhungo duc

a great tool. if you add the convert css to less part, it's even better. Thank you publisher

avatar Feraidoon Mehri

The buttons in the top-right bar are buggy and sometimes are invisible, though they can be clicked.
The style pinner shows a notification on page load which is annoying. It's better to change the icon of the extension to indicate active style injection (see Stylus).
Otherwise, great extension!

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avatar Hao Liu


avatar T K

Been using this plugin for about 4 years now. It helped me write code much much faster, cleaner. The fact that it allows me to write SCSS on the fly is also amazing.

The only issue that I face, is while developing smaller screens. The plugin starts behaving a bit wierdly, you can't copy/paste via shortcuts, you can't select all your code to copy if it's too long, and stuff like that. My guess is that these technical difficulties are inherent to the approach the plugin has by being part of the DOM. The new approach, that the plugin opens in a new window solves this downside. I wish it can support SCSS too in the future. That would be super awesome.

avatar Jonatan Ro

Very useful, thank you! :)

avatar Артем Ніженський

Всё работает как и должно, только лично мне не хватает функции авто-открытия расширения при посещении сайта.

avatar Scott Dixon

Works great. I usethis to remove a watermark overlay on a website I visit. I needed something that could easily locally save css changes I made to live sites.

avatar Julian Duncan

I use this pretty much every day. Simple, stable, well thought out tool! Thank you very much

avatar Jan Cwajda

hHe has everything you need to track and edit a website live. Extremely simple but at the same time brilliantly helpful and useful !!!

I definitely recommend it !!

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