LinkHelp - Workplace Automation Tool LinkHelp - Workplace Automation Tool

Social & Communication
Version: 2023.02.08
Last Update: 2023-02-08


LinkHelp - Workplace Automation Tool is a Chrome extension developed by LinkHelp. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of LinkHelp - Workplace Automation Tool is 2023.02.08, updated on 2023-02-08.
1,000+ users have installed this extension. 12 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Workplace automation for Growth, Sales, Outreach, Lead Generation and Job seek

🥇Linkhelp is the most powerful workplace automation tool. It is easy to use and is quick to automate all the actions. It has 19 available automation features, leading to advanced targeting.

🏁 Thanks to LinkHelp, you can perform 10x more actions in 10x less time! Thus getting maximum results with minimum effort.

❤️ Completely Secure and reliable

----- Start with free without using credit card -----

Why use LinkHelp?

LinkHelp is the best tool for Founders, CXOs, Sales heads, Marketing experts, HR leaders, Independent Consultants across different Industries such as Marketing & Advertising, Real Estate, Financial Services, Technology, Research & Advisory Services, Logistics, and many more.

Want to generate leads faster, by targeting your prospects effectively?

Create audiences based on your business criteria and target them using add connections feature while also sending a personalized message, thus maximizing the chances of quality lead generation.

Want to expand your network quickly and more effectively?

Connect with people who are active in the professional workplace, engage with their most popular post, articles, and video automatically, and send a thank you message with each accepted invitation all on automation while saving tons of time and effort.

looking for an internship or a job and want to maximize your chances?

Contact the people in charge of recruitment in each company and maximize the chances of your selection

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Use it yourself and see the results!

LinkHelp's automation features:

✔️Add targeted connections: Invite targeted prospects to join your network. You have the ability to send hundreds of invitations per day with a personalized message with the person's first / last name to maximize the acceptance rate.

✔️Send targeted messages: Create personalized message campaigns to be sent to a targeted audience.

✔️Data extraction: Collect and extract data (names, surnames, emails, companies, phone numbers...) from your relationships, or from a specific segment of your network.

✔️Auto-respond: Automation feature that allows you to set up automatic responses to the messages you receive based on a given keyword(s).

✔️Like: Engage with your network. Like targeted publications or comments.

✔️Follow: Expand your network by following targeted relationships.

✔️Endorsing: Show your interest and consideration by recommending the skills of your network members.

✔️Congratulate your connections: Wish anniversary to your contacts or congratulate them on getting a new job.

✔️Campaign analytics: Analyse the performance of your campaigns and profile (daily, weekly, monthly) from your LinkHelp dashboard.

✔️Safety limits: LinkHelp ensures the security of your account by recommending daily usage limits


Affiliation: Earn 20% recurring commission for each sale made with your personal coupon. Track your sales and activity from your dedicated affiliate dashboard.



12 ratings

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Last Update


Current Version









Social & Communication

Latest Reviews

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avatar Jorge M

I've used it just for the basics and it works great.

Now I'm going to explore more options (there are a lot, it might be a bit dizzy at first) ... So let's see the potential :)

avatar Lisa Smith

Super helpful!! I usually don't write reviews but Linkhelp definitely deserved one. This extension has really made reaching out and lead generation easier for me.

avatar Fabrice Mouchain

LinkHelp fait partie des outils qui automatise la mise en relation sur LinkedIn.
Les plus de LinkHelp :
- il est intuitif et simple d'utilisation
- il fait bien son job : pas d'alerte de la part de LinkedIn pour une activité suspecte
- l'abonnement est ultra compétitif comparé à la concurrence
- il est en FRANCAIS (ce qui est rare avec ces outils là)
Les moins :
- il est simple en terme de fonctionnalités. Si vous cherchez à faire des choses poussées, vous serez rapidement bloqué.

Je trouve cette extension (et ce service) très bien en terme de rapport qualité / prix. Je la recommande à celles et ceux qui désirent automatiser le développement de leur réseau pro sur LinkedIn.

avatar Roberto A. Arrucha

love it, it has helped me a lot on increasing my network!

avatar Mar

C'est vraiment une extension pratique pour la recherche et la mise en relation de vos futurs prospect. LinkHelp et moderne et surtout de qualité. L'abonnement n'est pas cher à comparaison a d'autres outils de prospection. je recommande fortement cet outil indispensable.