Hoasted Check Hoasted Check

Developer Tools
Version: 1.1.3
Last Update: 2020-06-16


Hoasted Check is a Chrome extension developed by Hoasted. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Hoasted Check is 1.1.3, updated on 2020-06-16.
144 users have installed this extension. 3 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .
developer website: hoasted.com

Shows an blue cloud in the omnibar when you are browsing a site that is hosted on Hoasted

This developer tool shows the IP address of the website you are currently viewing. It does not listen to DNS, but checks from which IP address the current website resources are loaded. A quick and easy tool for developers, designers and system admins. Furthermore, Hoasted Check shows a blue cloud in the omnibar when you are browsing a site that is hosted on Hoasted.

Hoasted is an international web hosting company that focusses on delivering the best in class service and top notch performance. Standard packages come equipped with twice the performance compared to other hosting companies. Furthermore we provide companies, organizations and individuals services that help them in squeezing the most out of their hosting. Services include: Domain name registration, Wordpress hosting, Linux hosting, Reseller hosting, Windows hosting and Virtual Private Servers (VPS).


3 ratings

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Developer Tools

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avatar Roger Heijsters

Fast way to copy the IP address of the IP address that is used to serve a website. Before I used Chrome developer tools to inspect and view the header information. Much quicker!

avatar Roger Heijsters

Fast way to copy the IP address of the IP address that is used to serve a website. Before I used Chrome developer tools to inspect and view the header information. Much quicker!

avatar Roger Heijsters

Fast way to copy the IP address of the IP address that is used to serve a website. Before I used Chrome developer tools to inspect and view the header information. Much quicker!

avatar Roger Heijsters

Fast way to copy the IP address of the IP address that is used to serve a website. Before I used Chrome developer tools to inspect and view the header information. Much quicker!

avatar Roger Heijsters

Fast way to copy the IP address of the IP address that is used to serve a website. Before I used Chrome developer tools to inspect and view the header information. Much quicker!