Google Meet Push to Talk Google Meet Push to Talk

Version: 1.0.6
Last Update: 2021-05-28

User Reviews

avatar Seba203PL

doesn't work

avatar Randy Semeleer

It works pretty good and is easy to use. It greatly improves the Google Meet experience.

I have two point that I would like to see improvement on the bump my rating op to five stars. When using chat on Google Meet pressing the spacebar conflicts with the push to mute. I would like to see that fixed. And the button is always red. To me it would make more sense if the button is red when not active and greyish black when it is active, the same as the other buttons in that row in Google Meet.

avatar Carlos López

Funciona perfecto

avatar Sangamithra M

This is exactly what i needed for a long time. Now i got it

avatar Bastián Huilcal

Me funciona!!! ayuda bastante sobre todo para niños pequeños que tienen que usar solos el computador para sus clases

avatar Rapolas Solovjovas

doesnt work even when i rejoin

avatar José miguel


avatar Kelly DeShepper

Whenever I wrote in the chat and I put a space I would unmute and I could not put a space in the chat but it was still helpful

avatar Mickey Reiss

It used to work really well, but it now it interferes with the chat feature in Google Meet. Can you please make an update to avoid this?

avatar Rank of Master

L'estensione va ad interferire con la chat. Sistemate, grazie.

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