Eternl Eternl

Version: 1.10.7
Last Update: 2023-03-17

User Reviews

avatar Mishary Al-Faris

I switched from Yoroi to this. (used to be called ccVault)
It's just the best Cardano wallet out there.

avatar TelFiRE

Easily the best Cardano wallet. It's not even remotely close.

This is an extremely powerful and reliable wallet. It has the best interface for sending NFTs and native tokens, hands down, bar none. You can filter through them, add a bunch at once, sort your tokens, all lightning fast even if you're an absolute degenerate like myself and have literally thousands of unique tokens. Any other wallet is brought to its knees.

It handles your funds much better than other wallets. It keeps your utxos organized which keeps your fees down. It lets you save fees by forcing withdrawals on any transaction. It lets you save more fees by setting collateral with an existing UTXO instead of having to create a new one if you already have one that works. It is just all around awesome.

It is constantly getting updates and development. This is an absolute gem in the Cardano ecosystem.

avatar Kieran Simkin

Probably the best Cardano wallet

avatar Alex Macher

Best wallet ever. The UI is very good, simple but can do a lot if you want to.

avatar Michael

There is no better light wallet, full stop.

avatar Bernest Carter

Awesome Cardano lite wallet. ?

avatar Ratha Svay

better than Nami in my opinion.

avatar Zero 000


avatar Johan Deknudt

A great wallet to manage all of your Cardano Adresses. all the amounts at a glance. DApp connection ready and allows for multidelegation with subaccounts from the Same Seed phrase. Great support from the Devteam and Mods in discord.

avatar Raj

Jumped from Yoroi after it became so unusable. This wallet is well designed. The biggest PLUS compared to other wallets is multi-account feature which make it extremely useful to stake from a single wallet. Only thing I see missing is DApp support for Ledger wallets which I believe the developer is already working. Highly recommend

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