Dark Theme Everywhere Dark Theme Everywhere

Version: 6.0.0
Last Update: 2016-06-29


Dark Theme Everywhere is a Chrome extension developed by rileyjshaw. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Dark Theme Everywhere is 6.0.0, updated on 2016-06-29.
6,000+ users have installed this extension. 180 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .
developer website: rileyjshaw.com

Darkens bright pages for easier night time reading. Unofficial improvement of 'Nicer Inverter'.

**New in Version 6**
Manually toggling a site's theme now adds or removes it from your exceptions list, so you don't need to re-click whenever you refresh!

**New in Version 5**
Subtly darkens photos and media embeds (you can turn this off from the Options page).

**New in Version 4**
Add a list of exceptions from the default theme (eg. "facebook.com").

I was tempted to call this "Nicest Inverter", but it doesn't actually invert anything. It gives you a dark page, no matter what!

Improvements from Nicer Inverter:
● Dark-ifies pages aggressively, so you're much less likely to come across pages with bright patches.
● Dark-ifies pages *by default*, so you don't need to click the extension's button on every page load.
● Allows you to toggle dark styles on and off without reloading the page.
● Optionally darkens photos and media embeds.

There are a lot of inverters out there, and many of them are great. I'm using Dark Reader[1] right now, and honestly, it's better than this for most use cases. BUT! Some pages on the internet are dark by default. When you invert a dark page, it becomes light. AGH MY EYES!

This extension will *always* give you a dark background.

You can change the default theme from "Dark" to "Light" by going to Tools -> Extensions and clicking the "Options" link under Dark Theme Everywhere. You can toggle the theme with a hotkey by going to Tools -> Extensions and clicking the "Keyboard shortcuts" link at the bottom.

Now that your browser is nice and dark-themed, you might notice an annoying white flash between pages. It's a known bug that's being tracked in Issue 1373[2] and Issue 126341[3]. I wrote another extension to reduce the flicker[4], but the problem will exist to some degree until it's fixed in Chromium.

Enjoy! Licensed under MIT.

[1]: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-reader/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh
[2]: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1373
[3]: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=126341
[4]: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/reduce-background-flicker/hdnedegfdlmgbabbgmnjnmmijfjeaiib


180 ratings

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avatar Tenpi

The CSS of this extension breaks the media content of most sites. I cannot see any images/videos while using this extension. While it does indeed turn everything black, it makes the sites practically unusable. I will find something else.

avatar Nikunj Poshiya

Works on all web sites.

avatar rvsgfrfrs jnfkfds

Darkens stuff, but two big problems:
1. the highlighter color attacks my eyes harder than white pages do. Would be great if there was an option to choose all the colors yourself
2. there should be more customization for specific pages. for example, there is the "darken media" option but it's either off or on for everything. I like it for some pages, but for other pages it ruins stuff and I want it off.

avatar Alternate Account

Doesnt work on the chrome store and other sites.

avatar Мой лучший друг

Недоработано, работает не везде или не везде корректно.