Dark Mode Dark Mode

Version: 3.3.14
Last Update: 2022-08-04

User Reviews

avatar Bill Sturrock

I like Dark Mode better than Dark Reader and the others. It doesn't darken pictures on some sites like Dark Reader.

avatar Electronero Dev

Great app, 5*
Works properly as expected, out-of-the-box. No messy configurations necessary. I enabled the extension, and it simply works.

This even work's great on Google! It doesn't work on chrome market, however that is expected. It's not the app's fault. It's due to Google disallowing access for third-party chrome extensions code to execute within the chrome store. So that's fine.

avatar Ahmed Z

Amazing extension due to the ability to set specific settings for specific websites. Can set a light global setting (or no setting) for default and then specific brightness, inversion, grayscale per site!
No other extension has this.

The only downsides are a few bugs:
--the brightness function doesn't work per website, only works globally. Same with contrast. Invert and grayscale works fine per website but the others are really useful and need to be fixed.
--Brightness and grayscale conflict with each other. One resets the other.
--Site-specific settings don't update immediately on preview, have to fiddle around a bit.
--Import function just opens a blank black page. Export works fine.

With some other enhancements like site-specific schedules and maybe some tutorials to do fancy stuff with the HTML editor, this extension can become the best dark mode and save millions of eyes!

avatar Steve K

I use this in combination with Night Shift Redux. Both are using default settings. Sites look amazing and have a refreshing look that I have yet not to like. Although there are instances where this where this interferes with some sites, those can be whitelisted or have their dark theme turned off most of the time. Other than that, this extension is great. I love it.

avatar Patyś

its just perfect

avatar Minh Vy Hà

Simple and easy to use!

avatar ava

is good but is there a setting for not color inversion like can the black words become white and blue not become orange.... etc

avatar Мой лучший друг

Идиотская инверсия.

avatar igor leite

It's Perfect

avatar Abin jr

Very useful Extension.

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