Comments Sidebar for Youtube Comments Sidebar for Youtube

Version: 0.5.0
Last Update: 2022-11-03

User Reviews

avatar hi123 lol123

this is awesome but i wish you could have a light switch or something that you could toggle it off with lol

avatar Tokyo family

Thank you for the extension! just one little problem, 2 days ago, youtube updated something on their website and the extension stopped working on mobile (kiwi browser). could you please update the extension?

avatar 윤천

매우 훌륭한 확장앱 입니다. 감사합니다.

avatar JAVA camera repair

ini yang saya cari...

avatar FamKis

Totally awesome extension!

Everyone should use this and donate for its continued development :)

I surely would love to

avatar Nalis Solus

Overall I like the extension.
Having the comments on the right side of videos is much more convenient.
The ability to stretch the size of the window is brilliant and removes the need for the default medium sized window option.

Here are some constructive criticism which I hope the next version could implement. These points is ultimately my motivations for writing the review as some of the drawbacks/negatives are making me consider going back to default youtube as they are starting to annoy me. :
#The biggest annoyance is the frequency of when the comments simply do not load in and I have to reload the page, sometimes I have to reload several times. Sometimes they never load.
#In full-screen the interface of the sidebar does not disappear, this is annoying for obvious reasons.
# When hitting a timestamp in the comments, you always get sent all the way back to the top of the comments and have to scroll down manually to find where you left.
# In a playlist it would be more convenient to stay in the comment section tab and the comments rarely load which forces you to reload the page.
#The separate comment and chat tabs could be ideally merged into one and be a button that flips between the two alternatives (this is minor compared to points above)
#The buttons doesn't change to dark in dark mode and could be better looking for a more overall better and more elegant look.
# The size of the video should ideally automatically resize when watching a vertically filmed video taken typically with a phone.
#The buttons don't scroll and disappear when scroll, which is a good thing, but the comments scroll all the way to the top making the buttons float above the comments. Ideally the comments and buttons should be separated so the whole scrolling section is just below the buttons at all times. This is also the case under 'related'.

Overall it's a good extension, but these suggested improvements would make it much better and professional in my opinion.

avatar Alex

Looked for something like this ages ago and couldn't find it. Finally did another google and your plugin was top result, and it works! Soooo much better to be able to scroll through comments without having to scroll away from the video. Thank you!

avatar Linus Komnick

Awesome extension! I love it!!

avatar Jacob Hernandez

An extension that I've been looking for a long time. Thank you for making this.

avatar Chris Vydas

My only suggestion, would be an option to keep the description under the video, everything else in the sidebar as this extension brilliantly does.

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