Chronicle for YouTube Chronicle for YouTube

Version: 1.5
Last Update: 2021-01-10

User Reviews

avatar Pia Erika Jensen

Fantastic, nothing else to say

avatar A Name


First time reviewer because...
This is one of or THE best Utilities currently available for YouTube Playlist Management.
It is not that this Extension is "Amazing". It gets the job done. BUT that ~is amazing~ compared to all of the Windows Apps, Chrome Extensions, Free-Ware, Open Sourced junk.. That I have scourged through.

Read This if:

1) You are unsure about the ext. and if it's worth your time.
2) You have been looking everywhere for a YouTube Playlist Manager & still are not satisfied.
3) You are on the toilet and you have made it this far.

Chronicle is a "grower" and not a "shower". The kind of partner that isn't afraid to tell you how it feels. Chronicle is up front with you from the get-go. Unlike your "X-tensions" that promised you sweet nothings until the fat lady sang. All the while preying on your desperation, convincing you to take the plunge, and saying... "it won't be like the last."

"WAKE UP SISTA. You. Are. Bet. Ter. Than This.", says Chronicle. "Quit waiting for Hell to freeze over, That Fat Lady Aint Neva Go-ing To Sang!"

If you are like me... (Secretly, deeep-down, you know you are.) A part of you likes the game. The back & forth. The push & pull. The "WHAT'S IN A NAME? THAT WHICH WE CALL A ROSE,

But I think it's time we all rise together, saying enough!

Enough! To all the mysterious types with their alluring features and smooth install. Until one day, in a matter of seconds, they start acting distant & guarded. You plead, "What's wrong! Is it me?" Silence. Your stomach is in knots. Fighting the urge to be sick, hoping that this is not the end, but a simple misunderstanding. Suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere it says, "It's not you babe.. It's me." (Pay Wall)
Enough! yeah, I'm done. :D

Overall it's fast (little to no hang time). No Adware. Not too complicated. Gets the job done.
+Add/Remove Videos(Batch & Single Add)
+Editing of playlist & videos(Name, Description, custom image)
+Not-to-complicated layout/design
+Not-to-complicated overall (video guide attached)
+Unlimited playlists(I think)
+Easy Copy/Paste Playlist URL (YouTube Playlists have distinct URLs. Thus I feel worst-case scenario we have the link!)
+Easy & Quick Access to Ext./Playlists
+Seemingly no problems with my System since Chronicle install.

-Limit 50 videos per Playlist (Honestly not that huge. Can make part.1; part.2; etc. But I don't see why 50?)
-No way to combined/integrate with actual YouTube playlists (that I know of)

Features I Would Like:
Integration w/ YouTube Playlists.
A button for "add to playlist" within YouTube (Preferably "add to [Choose playlist] but something is not nothing.)
Save Playlist Feature (Its been missing for me)
A Third Option of customizing Playlist Tiles
1)Upload Image File
2)A single "Letter" or "#" Sign
3)[More than ~1 letter or symbol~ please. T ability to place a short name or phrase in that location.]
Tagging and/or further organization.
"Newer" "More Modern" looking UI.

To The Dev.

ggwp my friend. I don't know how to do what you do. I just know it takes work. And for that.. I thank you a lot. Keep up the hard work.

What you have build thus far is solid work and it shows. Chronicle does a job that ~a lot~ of other people have neglected. Including YouTube! Your Ext. could be loads better, I think you can get there, and I'm here to support you. BUT it's amazing compared to all-the-rest.

In some ways (In the ways that matter to me) you are ahead by miles.

Thank You!

avatar Ioanna Lampropoulou

Great Design, Great UX! Well done! Love the scan functionality!

avatar P A

Great but can you please do the smart thing and allow more than just 50 videos a playlist what a stupidity!

avatar Meelan Radia

Best youtube playlist management extension on the store!

avatar Sandra Fiffe


avatar Apaghonismenos Kokoras

great and easy to use

avatar Gilho Ahn

Awesome extension, saved me a lot of time

avatar Beard Odyssey

Very useful extension for those you like their privacy, thanks mate

avatar Mark lll

it unable to add a channel. please consider these feature in the future.

need to update to detect 'shorts' clips like so

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