Chrome Regex Search Chrome Regex Search

Version: 1.0.8
Last Update: 2019-01-23


Chrome Regex Search is a Chrome extension developed by rshen. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Chrome Regex Search is 1.0.8, updated on 2019-01-23.
40,000+ users have installed this extension. 164 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

An extension for Regex Search in lieu of Chrome's CTRL+F

Highlight regex matches on the web page dynamically as you type.

Cycle through matches with ENTER and SHIFT+ENTER or by clicking the arrows with your mouse.

Customize highlighting and text color through the extension options.

You will need to refresh any tabs you already have opened to load the content script.

10/27/2015: Added case insensitive search option in options page

7/13/2016: Added "file://*/*" extension to manifest

7/30/2016: Updated package with pull request

9/2/2016: Updated package with pull request
This update adds search history to the popup, which is shown and hidden with the rightmost button

9/23/2016: Changed case insensitive search option to a toggle on popup

1/24/2019: Updated package with two pull requests to enable copy command and auto-focus on parent element.

This extension is open source:

If you have any problems please report them to

Keyboard Shortcuts:
ENTER: select next regex match
SHIFT+ENTER: select previous regex match

To setup a Keyboard Shortcut to open the Popup:
In your browser, go to chrome://extensions/
Find 'Chrome Regex Search' and click the box
Type your custom command (ie CTRL+SHIFT+F)
Now whenever, you want to open the popup simply enter your custom command.

Extension Options can be found by right clicking the icon and selecting 'Options' or by going to chrome://extensions/ and clicking 'Options' in the row for 'Chrome Regex Search'


164 ratings

Total Installs



Last Update


Current Version










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avatar Link Sun


avatar Alex Bush

I give it a 5 simply because it works! An invaluable tool I am surprised is not built into the browser itself.

avatar Improved Tube

hi guys & Rshen! ?? one of the most relevant extensions! (how in the world are there only 30.000 people using such regularily?) - we (Victor) worked on a modern successor with a color markup for our own use:
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(please test it. we can add the missing buttons/indicator anytime)

- this is while we already fulfill wishes for 100000s of people since many years @
(this is not commercial. We actually have a principle of avoiding to doing what is done well/open already.
Please check our repo and try to tell what either of us should do next
- Likely the projects should merge rather than walk alone (+the makers could team).

Also, if you read this, consider upvoting my text, so some people read it at, as this extension unfortunately has no updates since years and no old review is more relevant anymore.

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avatar 石晨希

Not working on some rendered pages, e.g. jupyter notebook (e.g. github)

avatar Benjamin Philipp

Almost there, but not quite...!
I think it works reasonably well, except when contents are loaded in dynamically.
In scenarios where a lot of potential hits are loaded in via XHR (XMLHttpRequest), this extension failed to find the new matches.
This basically breaks the extension for content loaded in on modern sites.
Could you please update it so any actual search takes the actual state of the DOM into account?
Thank you for everything so far