Center Pages Center Pages

Version: 1.2.1
Last Update: 2020-10-01

User Reviews

avatar Berkay

Incredible extension! Thaanks a lot

avatar A K

This man is a god send I absolutely cannot stand pages like quora that don't center the main bodies of text in the middle of my screen forcing me to keep my head at bad resting angles making me more tired. This extension is a lifesaver and I hope this valuable tool never vanishes!

avatar Jesper Olsson

Works with very few pages.

avatar Tatiana Steffan

Awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing this! Makes browsing way more pleasant :)

avatar Jaehoon TV

left margin 은 줄어들지를 않음..완전 필요없는 기능임

avatar Richard Stier

Hey man, thanks alot!! I've been looking for this for ages. This is exactly what I need. Cheers

avatar Anthony Butt

Doesn't work at all.

avatar Konstantin Naoumov

Yet another pointless, non-working extension

avatar J. Salmonson (darkocean)

And it's working again, weird. I love this extension not only can you get wide pages with too much text to center you can also align to the left or right, that's very useful on sites that have a menu on the left/right. Because of menus like that, I can't align center as it's not comfortable to read/work with. This extension is a lifesaver. I always download it if I have to do a fresh browser install.

This extenion *does* Work, keep clicking the + or - after you've selcted what alinment you want (like left) it can take like 7 to 10 clicks on the + or - for it to start to work because pages are streached out so much! Webmasters migth hve the sites set set past the screens edge where we can't see; the maxwidth might be unlimited. So Keep clicking the +/- it's not this extentions fault.

Extensions to save your sanity:

This one! (Center Pages)

uBlock Origin

Sound Booster (No more videos being too soft)

Allow right click (very annoying having the mouse menu blocked, I like reloading with right click)

Re-Front (Make websites readable with a font you can read easily, choose what color, and size it needs to be.)

Dark mode Kali - a nice simple screen shading that doesn't use weird colors
Widescreen browsing (self explanatory)

Blackink Little - evil gray text that I can't read is turned BLACK with this.

Cookie Notice Blocker - (stops teh dub shite on teh bottom of pages asking if you want cookes following us around everywhere and or taking up space. No we do not. Duh.

CryptoMining Blocker (miners make your pc slower and they're trying to make money off your pc!)

Darken text - darkens gray text to black (it's good to have a backup)

deblurr (google renders fonts weird and makes them fuzzy this fixes that)

Disable automatic tab discarding - keep google from refreshing your tabs making you lose whatever you were working on.

Don't F*** With Paste - Prevents the blocking of copying from & pasting into input fields (and adding links to your paste because people are egotisitical jerks)

Dont touch my scroll! - Stops websites from adding smooth scroll, parallax scrolling, fast scrolling.. (I think people aren't happy unless they irratate us online, so they mess with scroll now too.)

NoTabTearing - Prevents tearing tabs out of a window. Oh boy do I hate tabs that tear gives me whiplash. I want to shoot who thought that 'bright' idea up.

OpenVideo – ad-free streaming - Watch all of the videos – but none of the ads! (Mostly what I use it for is to get the videos to load better, with this videos almost always work.

Some websites fight all the extentions above, I boycot those and I don't go back.

Developer if you don't like my helpful list in the comments here let me know and I'll find another place to put it.

Combine all these and your surfing is going to be happier. Some extensions don't work perfectly, but websites are so badly made it's worth it putting up with stuff like re-fronts setting having to be put in almost each time. Most of these you'll have to click on with each website, sorry but such is life online now. Look at it this way, at least there's something to fix the probems.

avatar Bored

Tried on Opera Gx and Chrome, hardware accel on/off, didn't work. Running windows 11.

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