Auto Highlight Auto Highlight

Search Tools
Version: 4.9
Last Update: 2023-04-20

User Reviews

avatar Blog Blogger

Since the 4.0 the context menu disappeared!
I was about to revert to 3.2 but I realized that the context menu wasn't that useful in the first place.

1. It lacked the ability to add a word from a webpage to a specific group, like some other highlight extensions have. So when you are in a page with already highlighted words, you cannot easily add another word from the context menu.
2. You cannot add a site to a specific group from the context menu (also available in some other extensions).
3. The above should be able to do them silently, without opening the rather big interface.

Also the 4.0 sometimes fail to highlight a page and you need to refresh the page.

avatar Vovi

This is a best highlight extension.

avatar Elgen Ates

Top notch app! this is exactly what I needed. It keeps me away from distraction by highlighting only the things that I need and removing text that contains specific characters. RegExp is very very useful.

It would have been even more cool to see some future updates like:
Exclude from highlight some specific page on a Domain or
Be able to remove and highlight elements, not only text (especially useful for ads)

Nonetheless, Highly highly recommended!!!!!

avatar kidea luo

It's perfect, and the customizable function is very powerful, much more practical than other similar software

avatar Head Gr.

Does exactly what needed.
Easy and flexible setup.
Highly recommended!

avatar At h


avatar Pat MySecret

A very nice tool for highlighting.. And it can double as a bookmarker.

avatar Peyman Ghaffari

this app is best for every word you need to find it on a net surfing
A punch of thanks for you

avatar Виктор Климин

Умеет выделять нужные слова на определенных сайтах (можно задавать список сайтов где использовать выделение). Есть возможность настройки стилей для выделения (цвет текста и фона), выделять фразы по регулярке (отдельный плюс). Также есть резервное копирование.

Резюмируя - пока наилучшее приложение для этой цели, которое есть в магазине. Есть более "популярные" приложения с большим кол-во отзывов, но все оказались "слабы" по функционалу.

Juraj Mäsiar - спасибо вам за приложение, которое полезно и дома и на работе!

avatar Simone Denaro

Fantastico, semplice e funzionale.
Serve per cercare la presenza di varie parole in tutta la pagina.
Diversamente da "F3" che se devi cercare più parole non funziona a meno che non siano nell' esatto identico modo, questa invece trova TUTTO.
Bisogna solo ricordarsi di disabilitare il filtro una volta finito.

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